Saturday, August 4, 2012

Scheduling non-humans in project 2010

So I was helping someone muddle through making a Project plan and ran into scheduling fun.  Some human performed tasks had to be scheduled with Predecessors that were computer days.  The humans only work monday-friday as opposed to the computers which ran 7 days a week.  I found several articles online that showed how to make a copy of the Standard calendar and they all said to change the days to include the weekends.  This seemed to work until we got a dozen or so entries into the plan and then it tried to schedule a Finish task on the same day as a Start for the same computer resource.  After fumbling around for a bit I figured out how to change the Display from just Date to Date and Time (00/00/00 00:00am/pm) and I noticed some odd start/stop times.  Ultimately the issue was that the Standard calendar Work week has the time defined as 08:00 to Noon and 13:00 to 17:00.  My cloned calendar had just been set to 08:00 to 17:00 which Project treated as a 9 hour work day and applied 8 hours of work which left a remainder.  So yes, now my computers get a lunch hour too and all is well.


Unknown said...

Computers need to get away from the users and the operators for an hour too.

Karthik Sriram said...

Yeah, but usually, they ask you to avoid identifying machines as resources. You identify the person who owns the machine as the resource...


Gnawgnu said...

It's for compute clusters. sequence steps for various scientists will feed into each computing stretch and manual steps have to occur after each processing stage.